Our Stock is low…… please consider doing a Food Drive.

We need multiple items. The demand for food has drastically increased. We have two drop off areas in Town for donations. Or consider sending us a check to help us pay for the food we need to buy.

Leadership openings

We are looking for volunteers to fill upcoming positions on our Board of Directors. Our Board meets every other month on Mondays at 4pm. If interested in finding out more, please email us at contactus@perintonfoodshelf.org

About Us

Who We Are

The Perinton Food Shelf is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to combat and curb poverty and help people in need.  We are an equal opportunity provider. We do not discriminate. Perinton Food Shelf is staffed entirely by volunteers. Food supplies are donated to the Perinton Food Shelf by collections from local churches, schools, civic organizations and individuals. Also, the Perinton Food Shelf receives monetary donations, which help purchase fresh produce, meat, milk, eggs and margarine for the families in need. The Perinton Food Shelf also provides assistance with food and monetary donations to other area organizations whose mission is to help people in need.

We find ourselves from time to time with depleted food stock particularly during the months of May through October. So keep the food donations coming year round for both non-perishable food as well as monetary donations to purchase bread, produce, milk, eggs and meat.  For non-perishable food donations, our “Most Needed Items” list is updated every month on the first of the month. Please keep the list in mind as you shop at the grocery store.

Our History

The Perinton Food Shelf, Inc was incorporated in 1984 by a group of several Perinton area churches as a not for profit whose mission is to combat and curb poverty throughout the area of Monroe County designated by zip codes 14450, 14534 and 14526 (Fairport/Perinton, Pittsford, and Penfield). Currently we only serve 14450, Fairport/Perinton.

Initial operations consisted of food collections stored on a rotating basis at several area churches for use as needed to provide food to local residents on an emergency basis. As the awareness and demand for help increased in the later 1980’s a new permanent site was needed and the Village of Fairport offered up free use of the vacant Northside Fire Hall. Through the years people’s need for food assistance grew and in the mid 90’s Pittsford and Penfield both, with some seed money from Perinton Food Shelf, established their own food distribution programs.

Operation of the Food Shelf was relatively stable until the early 2000’s when the Village of Fairport was required by the state to sell all village owned real estate not actively used by the village government. The old fire hall was up for sale and the Food shelf wasn’t the only interested party. A public fund drive raised enough money for the purchase and a persuasive presentation to the Village Board led to the sale of the Old Fire Hall to the Food Shelf. Some government grants combined with donations of materials and labor upgraded the building in functionality and appearance.

Things ran smoothly through 2008 when the economic downturn hit and demand increased and almost doubled by 2014 with almost 600 families a year being served, a level that has continued through 2020. This created a new challenge, lack of space, so a new location was needed and in 2017 space was found and leased at the Turk Hill Park complex, 1000 Turk Hill Road. The old firehouse was sold and the money set aside for future lease payments.

By mid 2017, the new location was well established with added food sources provided through Food Link and new programs like “Yummy Boxes” for kids not getting school lunches during the summer. Everything was looking good. In March 2020 the “corona virus” arrived and everything changed. Short term demand more than doubled, food supplies were depleted and resupply purchases were limited. Our normal operation of delivering the food to clients was upended by the growth in demand and the need to limit personal contacts to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Changes were needed and fast. On the food front Food Link was able to supply some pre-packed family food boxes and the Town of Perinton sponsored some drop off food drives at the Town Hall and the response was incredible. Not only was the Food Shelf fully stocked, but had too much to handle which allowed for sharing with other food relief organizations that weren’t as fortunate. The Town also helped as we shifted our operation to client pick up of standard pre packed boxes as opposed to delivery to the client by use of the Town Hall Rec Center loop. Cash donations continued to flood in reflecting the generosity of the Perinton community and their desire to help people in need.

As government cash started to flow demand dropped back to pre virus levels. That left the Food Shelf with considerably more cash than needed for local operations after allowing for a reserve for future uncertainties. The Food Shelf Board determined that returning donations would be close to impossible so organizations like local churches who contributed on a regular basis were informed of our temporary lack of need and suggested that they use their monetary donations elsewhere. The Board also decided to re-gift donations to local groups serving the original Perinton, Pittsford and Penfield area and dedicated to providing essential help to people in need. In addition the Board took action to amend the Certificate of Incorporation to remove the geographic limits on organizations that can be assisted and has received legal approval from the State of New York to do so. All funds gifted to other organizations are approved by a 2/3’s majority of the Board.

Going forward, the Food Shelf will continue to need the strong support of the Perinton community. We will continue to operate as effectively as possible in meeting the needs of those in the Perinton community that need help and will set aside reasonable reserves for future needs. Any funds beyond that will be re-gifted to other non profit organizations in Monroe or adjacent counties whose mission is dedicated to helping people in need.

Contact Information

For General Correspondence

By Phone: 585-425-7410

By Email: contactus@perintonfoodshelf.org

By US Mail:
Perinton Food Shelf, Inc.
P. O. Box 381
Fairport, NY 14450-0381

How To Get Help

If you live in the 14450 zip code

If you are in need of emergency food supplies and live in the 14450 zip code, dial 585-425-7410.

A volunteer will call you back within 24 hours during weekdays between 9AM and 5PM. On Friday, the hours are 9am to 10:30am. Call for orders will not be answered from Friday 10:30am or over the weekend. Please call back Monday.

The volunteer will ask several general questions concerning your family size, your income and, of course, your name and home address.

If you qualify for emergency food supplies, a week’s supply of food (based on your household’s size) will be packaged and scheduled for you to pick up at the food shelf in Fairport. Directions and times will be provided.

If you do not live in the 14450 zip code

If you do not live in the 14450 zip code, dial 211 or 1-877-356-9211.

They will provide you with information on an emergency food provider near you. They will ask you for your zip code to identify organizations serving your neighborhood and/or region.

Ways To Help

Donate Money

Financial support is needed year-round to purchase fresh produce, meat, eggs, milk and margarine for the families we serve. Consider a monetary donation to help purchase these items. Donations to the Perinton Food Shelf are fully tax deductible and can be made online via Network for Good or by mailing a physical check.

Online Donations

To Donate by Mail

Please mail a check payable to Perinton Food Shelf, Inc. to:

Perinton Food Shelf, Inc.
P.O. Box 381
Fairport, NY 14450-0381

A receipt for tax purposes will be provided upon request.

Donate Food

Food is always welcome. Please scroll down to check our Most Needed Items List.

We accept food items in original packaging that are not expired or damaged.

We cannot accept the following:
homemade food, medicinal items, perishable food, frozen food, pet food, baby food, feminine hygiene products and diapers.

Scroll down the page for locations that currently accept drop-off donations.

Organize a Food Drive

Prior to doing a food drive, please contact the Food Shelf.  Please consider holding your food drive in the spring or summer when we still have a need, but fewer food drives. 

The food pantry is volunteer operated and appointments must be made to drop off large food drives, smaller ones can be delivered directly to the Perinton Town Hall. Notify the Food Shelf on the dates of your drive by emailing at contactus@perintonfoodshelf.org. We would like to know of your plans in order to have volunteers available to sort the food and stock the shelves.

We accept food items in original packaging that are not expired or damaged.

We cannot accept the following:
Pet food
Homemade foods
Home canned goods
Perishable food
Frozen food
Pet food
Baby food
Feminine hygiene products
Personal hygiene products
Medicines of any type

Please check the Most Needed Items List before holding your drive.

Consider some of the tips for conducting food drives from our Food Drive Guide

Create a flyer for your food drive, including dates, times, items needed and instructions where to leave items(front porch, door handle). Consider using our downloadable list of items that the food shelf distributes to our neighbors in need. The list also highlights items of greater need and items that are not needed at the present time.

Volunteer Your Time

We are in need for people who can drive and make deliveries to our clients on Wednesdays and Friday afternoons. Drivers only do one client a day. This is a on need position and does not require specific volunteer hours.

Please email contactus@perintonfoodshelf.org if interested.

If you are an individual over age 18 and interested in volunteering, please use the button below to fill out our short form

Organizations & Groups
Organizations may want to host a food drive. Please check the Most Needed Items List before holding your drive. Notify the Food Shelf on the dates of your drive by calling (585)-425-7410. We would like to know of your plans in order to have volunteers available to sort the food and stock the shelves.

Fairport High School Students
We have no volunteer hours available unless you might consider conducting a food drive in your neighborhood. Contact us at (585)-425-7410 for discussing plans to conduct a food drive and details.

Donating Items

Updated on February 11,2025

Please scroll down to end of this list to download a printable PDF of list.

Homemade foods
Home canned goods
Perishable food
Frozen food
Pet food
Baby food
Feminine hygiene products
Personal hygiene products
Medicines of any type

Drop-off Locations

If you have a very large amount of food to donate, arrangements may be made by appointment for a pick up or drop off at our facility. Please call call 585-425-7410 or email us at contactus@perintonfoodshelf.org for information.

1350 Turk Hill Road, Fairport, NY 14450 | 585-223-0770

Front desk or follow signs to back door. Please contact Perinton Town Hall prior to visit in order to verify current drop-off location and current hours of operation at 585-223-0770.

1 Fairport Village Landing, Fairport, NY 14450 | 585-223-9091

Many local churches also accept donations for the Perinton Food Shelf.

Check with your church to see if they collect items and deliver them to PFS.

Call churches beforehand to confirm participation.

For I was Hungry and you fed me. –Matthew 25:35

The generous support of the Jamestown Containers Companies has made it to possible for the PFS to package and distribute food to those in need in the Perinton community

Thank you for your donations to the
Perinton Food Shelf!

Thank you to the Martha Brown Student Council. Every year they provide PFS with over 1500 donated items and a check. This year they donated over 3000 items and a check for $500. Contributions such as these help to make a difference for so many local families.

A BIG thank you to everyone who has donated to the Perinton Food Shelf! The generosity of our community never ceases to amaze me. Because of your donations, we have been able to deliver two truckloads per day to restock their shelves! These donations go directly to your neighbors who need help during this difficult time. This is what our community is all about – coming together to help others. Town Hall remains a donation drop-off location, so please, keep the donations coming – they are making all the difference in the lives of local families.

-Town Supervisor Ciaran Hanna, Town of Perinton

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